Monday, January 19, 2009

a well placed raspberry

I've been resisting the urge to delete some of these posts.

For example the previous one about where I go on in a little rant about what constitutes "clean comedy" or "clean improv".

When I am onstage doing stand up, and it's working, my brain might be registering what's working and what isn't, but I am not "analysing it". No time for that! You just gotta do it and hope for the best. In fact the magic happens when you aren't analysing comedy at all. Funny just "is".

So when I catch myself "analysing comedy" I get a bit peeved with meself. Cos just when you come up with one theory, then something happens to blow that out of the tonic water!

I guess it's why I get a bit snotty when I hear others (especially performers or "artistes"who've never done stand up, or haven't done it for long) speaking with an air of "authority" about stand up and all things funny.

When it all boils down to it, there's nothing like a well placed rasberry (thhttttttttt) blown to get a laugh. (Listen to the goons ying tong song on your right)! Now why is a raspberry funny? Cos it sounds like a fart? Cos it's beyond words? What is it?

And is it "clean" or is it "dirty"?

Come on boffins, tell me why a raspberry is funny!

It just is.
